As I belong to the dry skin team, I used to believe that glowing skin was a result from using highlighters and dewy foundations, I then discovered that a healthy nourished skin glows 24/7 without makeup.

I am a full force into achieving beauty by natural methods so, I jumped on the dewy skin trend wagon determined to acquire a natural glow.

On this post, I will share with you all the steps I took to achieve visible results. And as always, some before and after pictures!

Skincare Ingredients

Get products with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, retinol and exfoliate twice a week with acid. I also use sunscreen religiously, even if I am staying home the entire day. If sunscreen is a pain for you, I bet you are using the wrong one. I recommend the internet favourite Purito Suncscreen, it is light and does not leave a white cast.

Change of diet

As mentioned on my post Living with Bloating I have been on a gluten free / lactose free diet for almost a year now. I am not saying you have to abandon gluten and lactose (both are pretty hard to quit) but changing what I ate definitely had huge results on my skin. I even got rid of my rosacea!

Check out some lactose free drinks recipe on the blog: Click here


I was a Coca Cola addicted woman and I never, I repeat, NEVER drank water on a daily basis. I started taking my water intake seriously when my gut problems started. As soon as I did, I could feel a huge difference.

Now I drink 2+ litres a day. Something that helped me a lot is buying these water bottles with time markers. I used to sharpie the times myself on a generic bottle but it does get erased so, Amazon came to the rescue.


I am not a fan of vitamins and suplements but I’ve always struggle with weak nails. As soon as I started with Biotin gummies my nails, skin and hair improved. These Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin and Nails supplement are so delicious that make taking them easy to remember. I always eat them on my afternoon snack time.

It’s important that you know, achieving a glowy skin takes time. It took me about 6 months to start seeing results and it has improved over time because I follow these tips consistently.

Photo of girl with clear skin and products used to achieve
Get naturally bright clear skin following these steps.

Thank you for reading,

Thank you for reading me,



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